Chocolate Babka

by Ben, So Vegan
Vegan Chocolate Babka Recipe

Babka is a traditional Polish recipe made using a sweet dough, which we wrap around a delicious chocolate spread and drench in syrup. It really is divine. Pyszne!

  • It’s important to avoid using too much flour when you dust the worktop before kneading because you risk drying out the dough.
  • We use a really sharp knife when we slice the dough in half. This creates a really clean cut, which means the edges aren’t rough.
  • When you twist the two pieces of dough together, you’ll need to create three ‘links’ in the braid.
Vegan Chocolate Babka Recipe

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KittenMission November 15, 2021 - 6:01 pm

Is it OK to substitute the margarine with Flora plant butter in both the dough and sauce? I only have a reduced fat olive oil spread which I’m struggling to get hold of at the moment, so rationing it out.

Thank you

Anonymous November 17, 2021 - 1:22 pm

Yes definitely! We used vegan margarine for this recipe because it’s usually easier-to-find and more accessible, but vegan butter would also work and you could argue it might even improve the texture. Hope you enjoy!

Diane November 17, 2021 - 3:22 pm

Is there a how to video? That’s what I believe makes So Vegan heads above everyone else because your videos are so awesome and I share them far and wide

Gemstone January 19, 2023 - 6:43 am

Hi there, what would happen if we did not let the made Babka prove for two hours? I am limited with time, so I hope that the Babka would still have an amazing texture!

Anonymous January 19, 2023 - 7:04 pm

Please reply asap

Anonymous January 19, 2023 - 7:04 pm

I really want to know the answer too!

Best baker April 11, 2023 - 12:57 pm

Oh my gosh calm down!
