Ultimate Autumn Risotto

by Ben, So Vegan
Vegan Butternut Squash Sage Autumn Risotto Recipe
  • Don’t worry too much if you can’t find fresh sage. You can substitute with dried sage, but skip the frying part and simply add it to the risotto when you first pour in the stock.
  • You’ll know the risotto is ready when it slides off a spoon smoothly. The trick with our recipe is to cook the rice until it still has a slight ‘bite’ before throwing in the final ingredients.
Vegan Butternut Squash Sage Autumn Risotto Recipe
Vegan Butternut Squash Sage Autumn Risotto Recipe

Ultimate Autumn Risotto

Our Ultimate Autumn Risotto. This is comfort food at its best!

Posted by So Vegan on Friday, 4 October 2019

Vegan Butternut Squash Sage Autumn Risotto Recipe

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Kim October 7, 2019 - 6:38 pm

Could you freeze this for like meal prep?

Roxy, So Vegan October 10, 2019 - 1:56 pm

Hey Kim. Good question. You need to be careful when storing cooked rice because bacteria can build up. So if you’re thinking of storing this for meal prep, we’d recommend freezing it as soon as it has cooled down (don’t leave it longer than an hour), then when you reheat the meal make sure it’s steaming hot. It’s best not to leave cooked rice in the fridge for more than a day. Hope that helps!

Lynda Hauber Wall October 27, 2019 - 11:12 pm

Do you have any nutritional info for this recipe? Such as calories, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals etc

Roxy, So Vegan October 29, 2019 - 2:34 pm

Hi Lynda, unfortunately not. There are nutritional calculators online if you are looking to do it yourself. Best, Roxy

Mariann January 8, 2021 - 4:34 am

This was the first of your recipes that I tried and was very impressed. The risotto was much more time intensive then I realized it would be but well worth it. Flavors and textures were delicious. Thank you! Looking forward to trying more of your recipes.

Klara October 15, 2021 - 7:03 pm

What is rocket?

Rhee June 22, 2024 - 3:24 pm

Hi Roxy &Ben, I love all of your recipes, going to try the Risotto and butternut squash today. I’m excited about preparing and eating it! Have a Blgessed day
