Curry pies. Yes, it’s indeed possible to combine these two awesome things. And yes, the results are well worth it!
It’s colourful, hearty and spectacularly easy. We’ve also teamed up with our friends at Tideford Organics to use their tasty Rogan Josh sauce.
Seeing as the Tideford Organics sauce is gluten-free, we thought we’d use ready-made gluten-free pastry, which you can find in most supermarkets. But you can use a non-gluten-free version, if you prefer!
Oh, and you’ll also need 4 springform pie tins approximately 11cm in diameter.
Roxy & Ben
This recipe is sponsored by Tideford Organics.
Is there a substitute I can use for the Rogan Josh sauce?? I’m in Australia, I don’t think I have access to that unfortunately 🙁
Hi Rebecca, you should be able to substitute for any kind of curry sauce. Hope this helps. All the best, Roxy
If you cook this as one big pie, how does the oven temp. and baking time change?